Thursday, November 29, 2012

Well, this week has been the week of attempted productivity, but no actual progress being made!

Monday when I went out to camp, I found out my translator was in the hospital with a bad toothache, so I couldn't do any interviews.

Tuesday was an ok day, I did a few interviews, but with a new translator, so it was a little rocky.  In the morning on Tuesday, I had a horrible experience in town trying to get a matatu- I ended up yelling at multiple people and calling one some not-so-nice names.

Wednesday there was an absolutely torrential downpour that flooded part of the camp, so I couldn't go out.

Thursday was my one real successful day of interviews with Mary.

And then today there is a matatu strike going on, so there is no way to get out to the camp.  So now I'm back in my room after a group of creepy men tried to get me into the back of their truck and going to try and be productive here... somehow.

So thats life for now... lets hope tomorrow the strike is over so I can go out and do my last day of interviews!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Well here I am, at the midway point through our independent research time, and I'm spending a couple of days in Nairobi.  But to backtrack a couple of days to the beginning of this week....

Monday and Tuesday I was back out at the camp doing more interviews.  Unfortunately for me, but very luckily for all the camp residents, most people had gotten casual jobs, so I didn't have many people to interview- I only interviewed four people each day.  Both of the camps were distinct from all the others I'd been to.  The camp I went to on Monday was an entirely tent camp, and the tents were TINY. I had my first taste of a little unrest in the camp too, although it wasn't severe at all.  Apparently one of the men I interviewed has a neighbor he doesn't get along with, so even though we were on my interviewee's property and he had consented to answer my questions, the guy came onto his property and started yelling and basically having a little tantrum.  Of course this is all going in Swahili, so I have no earthly idea what is going on, so I just sat there.  But then when my translator got up and started trying to calm both the men down, I got a little worried.  But soon after she started talking, the angry neighbor left, and then one of my interviewee's friends that had been nearby went to tell the camp chairman about what had happened- apparently this guy does stuff like that frequently.  Hmm.  Anyway, I'm not really sure if it was because of me or not, but either way, it was a little unsettling because I was warned that the camp might not be safe, but up until that point I had encountered nothing but welcoming smiles and handshakes, so it threw me off.  But nothing like that has happened again!

Tuesday was also interesting because we went to a camp that was so far away from all the other camps I didn't even realize it was there.  Mary and I had to walk for about 45 minutes to get there.  This camp was different from all the others because the people neither lived in permanent brick homes nor tents- they had built their own mud homes.  Many of the homes by the road were deserted and partially destroyed with huge chunks of the walls missing.  But most of the homes in this camp were back away from the road a ways.  To get to the main area of the camp, we had to climb through the biggest ravine I've seen in any of the camps.  All the camps deal with flash floods and the subsequent destruction of much of the land, but this ravine was something else.  It was probably 25-30 feet deep and had a horrible pathway down one side and up the other.  Mary and I had to help each other down and up on each side- it was steep and covered in loose sand so we had no traction whatsoever (of course I was not blessed with a natural grace or sense of balance either, so that helped a whole lot, too).  And yet small children run through there everyday- scary.  Anyway, while the answers I got from my interviewees there were similar to what I've been hearing in a lot of the other camps, the physical structure and layout of the camp was so different it still made it noteworthy to me.

Wednesday, I had an easy-going morning, and then Izzo came and picked me up and drove me back into Nairobi.  I got into town around 12pm, and went straight to the apartment and saw the gang there for the first time in what felt like forever- but it had really only been 10 days!  We hung out for a bit, and then since we were preparing for Thanksgiving the next day, a few of us made a run to the store for some necessary items.  We spent the afternoon just running around, and chatting- it was definitely nice to have some familiar people to talk with- even though I've been around a lot of people when I'm in the camps, they're all strangers, so it was nice to be in a comfortable environment again!  I also made fruit salad Wednesday afternoon.  Its a McNelly family traditional holiday dish, and it sounds totally gross, but its canned fruit, mini marshmallows, and sour cream all mixed together and then refrigerated overnight- its one of my favorites!  But canned fruit doesn't exist in Kenya, so I had to buy all fresh fruit (and not the right fruits either, so instead of fruit cocktail, I chopped up mangoes and kiwi... but of course I replaced the canned pineapple and oranges with fresh pineapple and oranges, so at least that was close).  Also mini marshmallows are nowhere to be found.  So I found giant pink marshmallows that I had to cut up.  And then the sour cream was the consistency of milk.  And it was chunky.  So I mixed up all of that wonderfulness in a bowl and stuck it in the fridge (the next day it kind of looked like vomit, but oh well).

And even though I still can't believe it, Wednesday was my 21st birthday!  So after a nice afternoon hanging out, I put on my only article of clean clothing, and six of us went out to a place called Brew Bistro, where we've been before.  We were only there a couple of hours, but we had a great time and got some quality pictures (which I needed later so people could prove to me that I danced...whoops, didn't mean for that to happen!), and we somehow made it back to the apartment with everybody.  Then we made homemade pizza for dinner and enjoyed a delicious chocolate torte that they had made earlier, and everybody collapsed into bed.

Then it was Thanksgiving!!!  In the morning, I went with two of my friends to a nursery school, which is run by one of my friend's host mom.  So we took a matatu to the edge of town where the school is, and spent a few hours watching some adorable children graduate from preschool and perform little songs and poems.  It was pretty cute!  It was nice to get out of the apartment for a few hours so I wasn't inside all day.  It was interesting too, to see the interactions between the parents and their children in a celebratory environment, and how the parents interacted with the teachers.  Overall, it was a very nice way to spend part of the day.

Then it was back to the apartment where the one student in the apartment who is actually a good cook was workin' away on dinner, and the rest of us took it easy.  I did a little work, watched some tv on my computer, and then helped clean the apartment a little.  A little after 6, all of the guests started arriving.

Well there were 8 students, so we'll start there.  Then, there is an American that we've all met who is taking a gap year and working here in Kenya, and her parents came to visit for Thanksgiving, so the three of them came over.  Then one of the student's host mom came over, alone with two previous SIT students that she hosted, who now live in Kenya.  So that brings our total count to 14 so far.  Then two of our professors came, which was a riot- they are quite comical.  16.  And one of our Swahili teachers crashed the party- which brings us to 17!  It was a full house, but it was definitely a lot of fun, and there was SO MUCH FOOD.  Although, I must say, I think it was only me and one or two other people that tried the fruit salad- it looked pretty gross, but it actually didn't taste that different from when my mom makes it at home!  So I was happy with it, anyway.

Then, as everybody started heading home for the night, we did some cleaning and the Christmas music started, which was lovely- I LOVE Christmas music!  And then about 1am we decided to watch Elf, but I fell asleep about 15 minutes in, so we all stopped it and I'm sure we'll watch it in its entirety soon.

And now, even though I'm still in Nairobi for a couple more days, its time to get back to work!
I hope you all had a great kick-off to your holiday season!!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Well, this will be a short post, I just had to share a remarkable story from one of my interviews today.

I interviewed a 45 year old woman today, and throughout my questions, she filled in some other information about her past.  When the post-election violence started in 2007, she was 9-months pregnant.  When her home was burned and she was forced to flee in the beginning of 2008, she hid in a forest where she delivered her 8th child.  After she had her baby, a little girl I met today, she was forced to keep running.  When she finally reached a safe place with nothing but her 8 children and the clothes she was wearing, a well-wishing member of parliament gave her and a few other families a small piece of land and tents.  But then the government decided they didn't think that was ok for whatever reason, so they took away the land and the tents.  Finally, an NGO came and gave her and the other families some tarps so they could make their own tents on land that they shared with still more families.

When I asked her what she did every day, she said she gets up at 3am to walk into the town of Maai Mahiu to try and get some corn from fields that are on the edge of town that is farthest from the camp.  She walks, about five miles each way, barefoot, in the dark, every morning, to get what looked like about 5 cups of maize for her and her 8 children.  And then she still has a full day of taking care of her kids and her house.  Yet she still gave Mary and I a cup of chai as we talked with her.  And most remarkably, she said she is very happy with her life and thanks God for everything in her life.  I think we could all take a few lessons from this incredible woman.  

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Week one of interviews is complete!  I was able to do 5 days of interviews this week, for a grand total of 34 different interviews, which is great.  I was supposed to go out today as well, but it was raining, so just as I was climbing into a matatu to head out to the camp, Babu called and told me not to come.  Its probably best, I could see the camp turning into a bit of a mess with rain- all the paths are steep and completely sand, which means mud if it rains, and there are giant ravines that fill up and turn into little raging rivers when it rains- so its probably best I didn't go today.

Anyway, back to earlier this week.  I was in a different sub-camp every day, and I worked with two different translators, Ann and Mary.  They are both incredible ladies, and I am excited to keep working with them this week and next.  I told you a bit about Ann already, but Mary is also wonderful.  I thought she was older, but she is only 20, has a two year old daughter named Candy, and lives on her own.  Mary's parents stopped supporting her when she was 17, and so she couldn't pay her school fees and had to drop out of 10th grade.  She's been taking care of herself ever since.  Her sister has left her two children in the camp while she goes out and wanders around- nobody knows where she goes- and so Mary was taking care of them as well, but they just recently went to live with Mary's parents.  When Mary's sister comes to the camp once or twice per year, she steals Mary's food and clothing, but nevertheless, Mary says she is glad to live on her own and depend on no one, and have no one except her daughter depend on her.  She is a very, very mature, yet still fun and friendly 20 year old- its been a pleasure and a privilege to work with her so far.

So, like I said, I went to a different sub-camp every day and interviewed a total of 34 people this week. Each interview is taking between 30-45 minutes and then there is time walking to and from each camp from the school that I meet either Mary or Ann at, and then the time it takes to find each person that is willing to speak with me.  Most days I get to the camp around 9:30 and leave by 2:30 or 3, and then come back to my hotel room, transcribe all the interviews from that day, and put on copious amounts of aloe lotion to combat my ever deepening sunburn (I'm outside virtually all day).  With all of that, each day passes by pretty quickly, and I pass out at the end of the day!

I've been to 3 camps in which the residents have permanent houses, and 2 camps where the residents live in tents.  The conditions in all of the camps are rough, but the tent camps are especially tough to walk through and speak to people in.  Yesterday I was in a tent camp, and it is also the smallest and farthest away from the center of the whole camp.  Most of the people there lived on their own and were older- between 50 and 80 years old.  The people in this camp, just like all the other camps, do "casual jobs", or hard, physical labor, like cutting wood, tending to the farms (called shambas), fetching water, etc., but the people here doing those jobs are 75 year old women.  Call me crazy, but I don't think that's how it should be.  None of the people I spoke with yesterday had a bed- a few of them were lucky enough to have a single foam pad to sleep on and one blanket.  None of them had any furniture, and they each had one or two pans to cook their food in.  Not a single one of them said the food they grew on their shambas was enough to live on, yet one woman, Miriam, was kind enough to give Mary and I each a plate of githeri for lunch, a Kikuyu dish made with maize and beans.  This camp was definitely on the extreme end of everything I've seen and heard through the camp as a whole, but it was still humbling and heartbreaking to hear these people talk about their lives.

It is striking how friendly and optimistic people are in the camp, regardless of their current circumstances.  I have had numerous people give me lunch or chai, they aren't at all shy around a muzungu (the Swahili word for "white person"), and they make me feel completely at home and at ease.  I've been asking people if they are happy right now, and while some say no, most have said yes because at least they have a home or a tent and there is no fighting.  I think it is really hard to imagine many people in the states or the rest of the western world being happy in these conditions, and that makes their appreciation that much more striking.  And their warmth, oh my gosh.  To be honest, a lot of people in the town of Maai Mahiu sketch me out a little, but everyone in the camp is incredibly genuine.  Everyone I pass greets me and shakes my hand, even little toddlers (well, except the toddlers that are scared of me because I'm white- some of them actually scream and run away in terror- oh well).  I have gotten quite good at the traditional Kenyan handshake, which I will be happy to share with everyone when I'm home.  I guess the bottom line is, every day I wake up excited to get out of my hotel room and out of town and into the camp where everyone is friendly, helpful and welcoming, and incredibly willing to answer my questions.

Although I'm not quite sure how yet, I do think I will stay in touch with Marafiki and try and work with them on ways to continue to improve the conditions in the camp.  Something else I've been learning is that many people in the camp don't want to move again- they want to stay in the camp.  If thats the case, conditions have got to improve.  No one should have to live the way a lot of these folks live, and I really want to look into getting a microfinance or other financial service organization into the camp to work with the residents, because nearly all of them want to start a business.  While it certainly wouldn't fix all of the problems, I think it would be a step in the right direction.

So, I guess thats it for now.  This week went by pretty quickly, and I really only have another week and a half to spend in the camp.  I hope time slows down a little bit, so I can continue to learn from all of these wonderful people, and get to know some of the faces I already know a little better.  

Monday, November 12, 2012

And another week has gone by- I can't believe it.  Last week was mostly just computer and paperwork, nothing too exciting.  We had our final term paper due, so I spent a couple of days working on that.  It was quite possibly the worst prompt I've ever had to write on, so it took me almost a whole day just to decide what exactly I'd be writing about.  Anyway, after that little torture test was over, it was time to start ISP!! But not until the election was over....

Because of the time difference, the election results started coming in around 3am Kenya time.  So, the group of students who rented an apartment in Nairobi for their independent research time invited a few people over to watch and spend the night.  So on Tuesday night, there were a few of us over there, and we cooked a big American meal to celebrate- cheeseburgers, coleslaw, potato salad, and apple crisp.  After absolutely pigging out and watching a little tv, we all went to bed around 11 or midnight so we could get a couple hours of sleep before the results started coming in.  I was sleeping on the couch, but there was a really annoying mosquito that kept buzzing in my ear, so I got up at about 1:30 and just messed around on my computer until 3am, when everybody else got up to watch.  We turned on MSNBC and not much was happening yet, but we kept watching.  We had some apple crisp, and watched as the results from the east coast started slowly coming in.  Finally, at about 7:30am our time, they called Ohio for Obama, and therefore the election, and we all started running around the apartment out of excitement.  We were just a little sleep-deprived, keep that in mind.  Then we decided to open a beer and split it between the three of us that were still there (everyone else had to leave), even though it was 7:30 in the morning.  But then there was the whole drama with Ohio being disputed, so we waited until about 9:30am our time when Obama gave his speech.  Then we choked on the disgusting warm beer, and happily listened to Obama's wonderful speech.  And the, in our state of exhaustion, it was time to get on with our day and start working- because Wednesday was our first official day of ISP!

I spent the last half of this week just reading articles.  I needed to learn a little bit more about IDPs in general and the post-election violence of 2007-2008 that drove these particular IDPs from their homes.  So I read, and I read, and I read.  I also worked on my interview questions and consent form for my actual research.  On Friday I met with Izzo from Marafiki to finalize the plans for when I'm out in Maai Mahiu, and we agreed that I would head out with them on Sunday to get settled in and meet my translators.

Saturday was a fun last day in Nairobi.  I met one of the girls in my program at Java, and then our advisor, Donna, came and met us, and we went out to a place called Kitengela Glass, which is relevant to my friends ISP.  I was really just along for the ride so I could talk to Donna about my project in the car.  But the glass place was amazing- a little fairy land on the outskirts of Nairobi.  There are mosaics covering every possible surface, blown glass things hanging from beams and trees, and all sorts of amazing creativity on display around every turn.  So it was fun and productive because I did get to talk to Donna about my project (I hadn't yet- whoops). Then we headed back into Nairobi, and Donna dropped me off at my homestay for my last night with my family.

It was a pretty normal last night with them.  I did a little packing before I went into the house and then I brought in their gifts- nothing big.  I gave my brother a water bottle from the Olympics that my dad had given me before I left the states to use as a gift, a journal and some markers for my sister, and then a candle for my mama.  We took a few pictures because only Jero and I had taken any pictures together before Saturday, and then we had dinner and watched tv like normal.  I went to my room around 9 to finish packing and get to bed.

Sunday morning I got up early and showered and such and then packed up the last few things I'd left out and then said goodbye to my family.  I promised I would come back and have dinner and visit after my ISP was done so I could tell them about it, which I will definitely do.  Then a taxi picked me and my embarrassing amount of luggage up, and we stopped at my friends apartment and I dropped off two of my bags, since I don't need them out in Maai Mahiu.  Then the taxi dropped me off and Gee from Marafiki picked me up and we headed out to Maai Mahiu.  We picked up some volunteers on the way, and before I knew it, we were here.  We stopped at a little grocery store and I bought a big jug of water and some crackers (I brought a huge jar of peanut butter with me) and then we went out to the camp for a couple of hours and walked around a bit to some parts I hadn't been to before.  Then after Gee got some of the volunteers settled, he brought my to my hotel.  It is way too expensive for what it is, but its much safer than the other one, so I guess I'll just have to deal with it.  I'm spending my entire daily stipend on my room, so I have to pay for food, transportation and my translators out of my pocket now, which is really not ideal.  Anyway.  I got settled into my room and then went for a jog, which was really nice because my hotel is right on the edge of town, so the highway is right there and with it, some beautiful views of the Rift Valley.  After that little excursion I went up and bought some fruit, and then settled into my room for the night.  I did some ISP work and finished preparing for my first round of interviews, and then it was off to bed.

Yesterday. Ohhh, yesterday.  It was quite the day.  I woke up pretty early, so I got ready and took my time, and then when I was supposed to call someone at the camp to figure out a meeting place and time, I realized my phone was out of minutes.  Oops.  So I quickly walked up the road to a shop that sells airtime, and on the way had a little run in with a donkey cart.  Literally.  I was walking on the shoulder of the road, and then all of a sudden this donkey cart was right in front of me, the busy highway was on one side, and a 10 foot drop off was on the other side.  So I was kind of able to jump over part of the cart, but then one of the wheels ran over one of my feet and I got hit in the leg with some rebar that the cart was carrying.  Then I heard the explosive laughter of the locals that had just watched that happen.  Oh goody.  But I was totally fine, aside from a sore foot and some welts from the rebar, so I got my phone minutes and then called Babu, a new contact in the camp..

Babu wanted to meet pretty quickly, so I gathered up everything I needed and then asked around about how matatus work here (matatus are minibuses that are used as public transportation in Kenya) and then caught a matatu out to the camp, which is about 3 miles away.  I met Babu there, and he introduced me to my translator for the day, Ann.  Ann is only 18, and we had a blast yesterday going around and interviewing people.  She's lived in the camp since 2008, and has finished high school and is now trying to go to school to become a counselor.  But to do that she needs money, which no one in the camp has.  Anyway, we were able to interview 5 people yesterday, and each interview lasted between 30 and 45 minutes.  The first interview of the day I got to conduct while holding the woman's two week old baby.  Oh goodness, I was in heaven.  In the middle of the day, Ann made me come have lunch with her, and several of the people I interviewed also made me have some chai or a little porridge or something- so I was pretty stuffed when Ann said her mom needed us to run a quick errand for her.  Sure!  So Ann and I started walking to tell her mom's friend about Ann's sister's wedding which is next week.  It turns out this friend lives almost to the top of the mountain on the other side of town... so with my bookbag and flip flops on, we walked up the mountain in the 1pm scorching sun.  But Ann's friend Jen came with us, and we talked the whole way, so it was still a lot of fun.  I knew this before I came to Maai Mahiu, but Sam is a mans name here, so they started joking around and Jen became known as John and Ann became Anthony- it gave us all a good laugh.  We reached the friend's house, which was a simple house, but she gave us yet more chai and chapati and Ann relayed the message about the wedding.  Then we went into the lady's shamba, or small farm, and picked some avocados.  Yum!!  Then it was time to go back down to the camp. So we went.  When we got back, I did two more interviews and then chatted with "John" and "Anthony" for a while, then they walked me back to the matatu stop and I came back to my hotel.  On the way I stopped and bought some oranges and yogurt (I was so happy when I found a shop that has refrigerated yogurt- most of it is just out in the open here, and I just don't want to risk that), and then I settled into my room for the night.

I spent several hours transcribing all of my interviews from the day- I was audiorecording them- and then I had some peanut butter and crackers and an orange, watched part of a movie on my laptop, and went to bed!

This morning I'm headed to a different sub-camp to do more interviews-- and so day two begins!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Uganda.  Wow.

A part of our study abroad program is an 8 day trip to either Tanzania or Uganda, and we each get to choose which trip we would like to go on.  Just based on the itineraries, I chose to go to Uganda, and I am so glad I did.  I'm sure I'm going to forget a lot of what we did, but here are the highlights.

We left really early last Saturday morning and drove the hour and a half or so to the town of Nakuru, which is in the Rift Valley.  We had a gorgeous early morning drive through the Rift Valley, but it got even better when we got to Nakuru, because we got to go on a tour of Nakuru National Park.  The National Park is home to a ton of different animals, but we were lucky enough to see pelicans, flamingos, impalas, giraffes, a rhino and a hippo, zebras, buffalo, and lots of other smaller animals.  It was a beautiful morning and part of the drive led us up a big hill that gave us a stunning view of the valley below.  We could have stayed there all day, but we had a long drive ahead of us, so we had to move on.

We reached the town of Kisumu in Western Kenya by evening and settled into our hotel for the night.  We had a very short and informal lecture with a professor in Kisumu about the development issues facing the western part of Kenya and had dinner with her.  Then, after a long day in the car, we went to bed.

Early the next morning we got up and back in the van and drove to the Busia border checkpoint.  We had to cross the border on foot, but what is interesting is it is not a simple border crossing.  We had to fill out forms in order to leave Kenya, and then we walked through an area known as "limbo" which is neither Ugandan or Kenyan in order to reach the Ugandan border checkpoint.  After paying our $50 with relatively little hassle, we were in Uganda.  We met another van and loaded up all of our bags, and then we once again began driving.  We only had to go a couple of hours to reach the town of Sipi, which is home to Sipi Falls.

We had a little time to settle into our absolutely beautiful cabins in Sipi before beginning afternoon activities.  The lodge-type place that we stayed in Sipi was on a steep hill, and the eight students stayed in two 4-bed dorms with a gorgeous view of a valley and Sipi Falls.  After changing into comfy clothes, we went down and had a delicious lunch in the dining hall (after having what more-or-less amounted to a lunch in the van on the way- oh well).  We were completely stuffed, and that naturally meant it was time to go on a hike.

When I say hike, I'm not exactly sure how to accurately convey the nature of this little excursion.  Well, first, we thought we were driving to the hiking site from where we were. Nope.  We walked the whole way.  We reached the little trailhead, and I thought they were joking.  It was probably a 70 degree incline, going down into the jungle.  The dirt path was barely wide enough to put both feet side-by-side, and it was wet.  Awesome.  They handed us all walking sticks, and I really didn't want one, but based on how the hike actually went, I am so thankful I had it.  Anyway.  Here's the scene:  There is a valley with two steep slopes on either side.  We are on the side opposite Sipi Falls, and so we are supposed to hike down one steep slope to the base of the falls (which is 100 meters tall) and then hike back up the other side.  So we started. And it was slipper and narrow and each side of the path was more or less a sheer cliff.  So given my history with gracefulness, I was a little concerned about plummeting to the bottom of the valley and crashing through all the coffee and banana trees.  But somehow, with the help of some local children, I managed to only fall twice on the way down, and I luckily stayed on the path.  The falls were beautiful.  When we reached the bottom, we were getting soaked by the mist of the falls, so I didn't take too many pictures because I didn't want to ruin my camera.  But it couldn't go completely undocumented either- I mean, there was a rainbow for crying out loud.

Anyway.  After taking in the view for a few minutes, we turned around to start walking back.  It got really steep really fast.  And because now we were soaking wet, the path was getting even slipperier, so naturally, I fell again.  But this time I also twisted my ankle (which I have had problems with since I was 15 or so), which slowed me way down as we climbed back up.  By the time we reached the top, my ankle was pretty swollen, but we had some stunning views.  Completely covered in mud and drenched, we all climbed into a car which drove us back to our little cabins.  An exhausting, but successful afternoon!

That evening was very low key, we had dinner at the lodge.  The high point (or maybe it could be considered the low point) of that evening was trying home-brewed millet beer.  First, let me just say that it was being served out of a gas can. Awesome.  And there was a hose in it, which we were just supposed to suck on to drink the beer.  I'm not sure I've ever tasted something so disgusting.  It was warm, thick, and gritty.  Not exactly my beverage of choice.  But it was an experience! And then what added to that, was one of the locals that was sitting around the fire with us, informing us that this is a traditional circumcision brew, and then he asked us if any of us wanted to be circumcised.  After awkwardly explaining that female genital mutilation is not a part of American cultural practices, we changed the subject and started telling scary stories, and then went to bed pretty quickly.

The next day we went and visited TASO (The AIDS Support Organization) in the town of Mbale.  This is one of the most effective organizations in Africa at combating AIDS, largely because of their signature counseling program.  We also had the privilege of seeing their drama group perform.  This group consists of all HIV positive clients of TASO who sing and dance and put on shows and tour local communities teaching about prevention and management of HIV/AIDS.

After this point, the days kind of blur together, so here's a not-at-all chronological account of what we did on the rest of the trip...

We spent a night in Kampala (the capital and largest city) and had a lecture by a former member of parliament about the history of Uganda.  He was actually forced into exile during Idi Amin's regime in the 1970's, so he was a very interesting person to meet and talk with.  The next day, as we were leaving Kampala, we had traditional Ugandan food for lunch.  Big mistake.  I'll spare you the details, but lets just say I've never been that sick, stomach wise- luckily it was over within 24 hours or so.

We travelled to Western Uganda and spent the night and visited Queen Elizabeth's National Park.  We went on a boat ride during which we saw buffalo, elephants, hippos, crocodiles, lizards, and tons of other amazing animals- besides, the boat ride and the landscape were beautiful, on their own.  We spent the night in the park, and the next morning we got up quite early and went on a game drive.  Oh man.  We saw lions.  A whole family- mom, dad, and four cubs.  So fascinating, beautiful, and an absolute privilege to see.  We were able to watch them for quite a while, the cubs were adorable and playful and I was lucky enough to get quite a few good pictures.  Then, as we were leaving, we saw no less than 10 elephants right on the side of the road.  Again, a stunning experience.

Another amazing experience- seeing the source of the Nile River and taking a boat ride on it.  The Nile originates from Lake Victoria, which borders Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda.  We were, obviously, on the Ugandan portion of the lake, and then the river flows out through Uganda, through Sudan, and ultimately to Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea.  Pretty incredible.

On our last day, we were back in Kampala and we had a lecture on Northern Uganda (where a lot of the political tension and conflict are) and then in the afternoon we saw traditional Acholi dancers, which was really neat.  They had dozens of different instruments, and it was a really nice way to spend an afternoon.  We also got to go and see the second largest mosque in Africa (the largest is in Casablanca, and Kampala quite randomly has the second largest), and we were even allowed to go inside after being covered head to toe.  It was a stunning mosque.  I didn't have my camera, but some of my friends did- I am definitely going to have to steal those pictures later.  It had a huge balcony type area that looked over all of Kampala.  The inside of the mosque had extremely intricate decorations and a beautiful dome.  We also got to climb to the top of the spire, which gave me both a headache (I CANNOT stand spiral staircases) and an astounding view of the city.

So, even though I know I'm forgetting things, I'll go ahead and wrap this up.  Bottom line is, we had a great trip.  Uganda is beautiful- so green, and lush and with rolling hills and mountains.  I was surprised at how different from Kenya it felt when both countries together are relatively small- Uganda is roughly the size of Oregon state.  Anyway.  Definitely a successful trip.  And now we're back in Nairobi and getting ready for our independent study projects, which start on Wednesday- yikes!!